Proven Investment Process

Our investment philosophy and process are tailored to address the complex markets we face today, which evolve and change rapidly due to the proliferation of market participants and information. We believe that market complexity creates investment opportunities that can be observed and captured. We leverage technology to uncover alpha, and apply quantitative and big data tools to help maintain objectivity in our decision making.

We combine this with decades of fundamental investing expertise in a 360-degree approach to fundamental research, including an evaluation of material sustainability practices. The result is high active share portfolios that have broad exposure across regions and sectors, and measurably superior sustainability characteristics relative to the benchmark.

Stock Selection Focus

While broadly diversified, portfolio holdings are concentrated, sizeable positions in companies we believe capture favorable risk-reward opportunities.

Investing for the Long Term

By doing significant fundamental research and due diligence before investing and thereafter, our goal is to find and maintain positions in companies that can deliver on performance goals of the strategy over extended periods of time.

Managing Externality Risks

Externality risk has long term impact on returns but is often ignored by investors. An externality is a side effect of an activity that lacks immediate impact on the value of the goods or services produced, such as climate change from CO2 emissions. We invest in companies who achieve competitive advantage by managing their externality risks.

Our Beliefs

The dual mandate of stewardship and returns are not incompatible. Our process ensures we are true to our values and client-focused mission, while focusing on investment outcomes.